Summer Skin Needs!

Wait, It’s June? Already?!

Not sure how Spring just breezed-on-by, but according to the calendar, we’re headed straight for Summer. Longer days, warmer nights, and more time outdoors. The hotter weather requires us to adjust our routines, wear lighter clothes, and inevitably show a little more skin. But to be totally transparent with y’all, at 57 years old, popping on a bikini and getting “beach ready” is no longer my game, but looking my best and feeling confident in my own skin is!  Come Summer, I switch my skin care routine to incorporate products that work with the climate and keep my skin protected, healthy, and yes… maybe even to feel more confident and excited to wear a light summer dress.  So, here are my top 3, must-have, Serious Skincare products to help get ready for the best summer ever.


No other non-medical, at-home body treatment can target the extra lumpy-bumpies like our Cryo-Cinq. First, let me breakdown the name: ‘CRYO’ = ‘COLD’ as our unique formula cold-blasts and breaks up accumulated pockets of fat. And ‘CINQ’ = ‘FIVE’ as the 5 cold-conducting metal roller balls massage and micro circulate under-stimulated areas of the body.  The combination of clinically validated ingredients proven to disrupt and redistribute fat pads with the physical action of massage rapidly smooths, tightens and creates a taut, more compact skin surface on the upper arms, thighs, hips… even on the tummy – if you dare! 


This is absolutely one of my favorite serums for the hot, humid days of summer. Moisture Multiplier utilizes multiple forms of water-binding hyaluronic acid to help the skin attract and retain plump hydration on the skin’s surface- without the weight of a heavy cream. Moisture Multiplier is the answer to combating the skin-drying effects of dry heat and/or the moisture-sucking air conditioner while keeping the skin plump, balanced, and perfectly hydrated. 


I’m not going to lecture you on the necessity of wearing a sun protection factor of 15 or higher. By now we all know a SPF is the single most important thing we can do to prevent skin cancer as well as to prevent pre-mature aging….  but what I will tell you is, our C Cream is a remarkable, very ‘wearable’ facial cream that just-so-happens to have a broad-spectrum sun protection factor of 30 built right into the formula.  It’s light, it’s airy, and it instantly gives the skin a very pretty, angelic glow…  what’s not to love??? 


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