Celebrating ‘Mom’ on Mother’s Day carries a different meaning for everyone, some honor the person that raised them, some give thanks to a stepmom, a grandmother, a guardian or even a neighbor. Whoever you celebrate, however you celebrate- we see you!

Mother’s Day is the time to appreciate the love, energy, patience, and nurturing that goes into caring for others. And because most of us spend a considerable amount of time caring for children, partners, pets, neighbors, co-workers… Mother’s Day can be a nice reminder to honor yourself as well.

As a super busy, full-time working, mother of two, let me say from experience… it is imperative to take some time daily to check-in and nurture yourself. In my opinion, a simple, consistent, self-care routine is the easiest and most beneficial way to stay connected and keep your battery charged. An easy way to start is by building an evening skincare regimen where you can take a moment and wash away the day- literally and figuratively.  Find products you’re excited about so you’ll actually be looking forward to your nightly ritual. 

Personally, I love my nighttime skincare regimen, it signals that my duties to others are complete for the day, and I can now focus on myself. I love doing a double-cleanse to gently remove the entire day, then choosing the perfect serum for whatever my skin needs at the moment- right now I’m re-obsessed with the A Force Retinol Serum. I finish my regimen by thoroughly massaging-in a nourishing face and neck cream to apply hydration and lock-in moisturization, let me give a quick shout-out to our 4 Million IU A Cream, it legit boosts my whole complexion with retinol and a mega-dose of retinyl palmitate- two forms of Vitamin A that never disappoint. I cherish this simple 15-minute, nightly ritual and I hope, if you don’t already have one of your own, you will consider committing to one that works for you.

Practicing consistent self-care is an absolute necessity for yourself of course, but also for others, as it enables you to show up more fully- as a parent, as a friend, as a partner or a spouse. It’s pretty simple…when you feel great, you do great.

So, this week while we’re celebrating our moms, chosen moms, friends, mentors, and the hand-picked communities that are always there to nurture and support… take a moment, commit to a new, healthy self-care routine to honor, and love on yourself a bit too!



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